Transformer pad setout for Western Power at a new vegetable farm near Perth

45 Lot subdivision creating commercial and residential lots in Byford.

We undertake boundary surveys for residential, commercial and rural properties. We provide a Regulation 25A certificate after completion of each survey. Please contact our office for a competitive quotation for your survey.

Transformer pad setout for Western Power at a new vegetable farm near Perth
We pride ourselves in being able to provide an efficient land surveying service for various surveys at a competitive pricing. Some of our services we offer are listed below. We specialise in land subdivisions and strata titles. Our land Surveyors can direct your Perth subdivision process to obtain the necessary approvals through to issue of titles.
Please contact our office to speak to a surveyor, should you require a survey that has not been listed, require a quotation or wish to discuss the type of survey you may require.

Green Title subdivision is the traditional form of freehold subdivision.
This form of subdivision requires the approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). The Statutory time for approval by WAPC is 90 days to issue conditional approval or refusal if the application does not comply.
Any conditions imposed will have to be satisfied prior to obtaining final approval. The subdivision process usually takes between 6-8 months for smaller developments. This time frame will be longer depending on the conditions imposed and the size of the subdivision.
Green Title lots require independent services and frontage to a dedicated Road or Lane. It is not possible to create common property on a Green Title subdivision.
Because each lot requires independent services, such as water, sewerage and power, a Green Title subdivision can be an expensive exercise.
You may decide to undertake a Survey-Strata subdivision to remove the additional costs required for servicing a Green Title subdivision.
It is important to understand the requirements of the R Codes for residential developments to ensure your subdivision application is approved to avoid unnecessary delays and costs.
We can handle your Green Title subdivision design, application, surveying and lodgement at Landgate to ensure your subdivision runs smoothly.
For more information regarding Green Title subdivisions or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a licensed surveyor,

Survey-Strata subdivision allows land, whether improved (buildings) or not, to be subdivided. Therefore, a Survey-Strata subdivision can be undertaken on vacant land, or during construction of a grouped dwelling (unit), commercial or mixed use development or after construction of a grouped dwelling, commercial or mixed use development.
A Survey-Strata subdivision can not be undertaken on a multi tiered development where a different lot (unit) resides above another.
A Survey-Strata subdivision can create a common property lot for access, or other purposes, or it may have no common property if it is not required e.g. If you are creating street front lots or a 2 lot battleaxe subdivision.
A Survey-Strata subdivision can have common services that run through adjacent Strata lots. These services are covered by ‘Implied Easements’ under the Strata Titles Act.
This form of subdivision is often chosen in lieu of a Green Title subdivision due to the additional cost of providing separate services, if the existing infrastructure is not already adjacent to each proposed lot.
A Survey-Strata subdivision requires approval by WAPC, similar to a Green Title subdivision. The Statutory time for approval by WAPC is 90 days to issue conditional approval or refusal if the application does not comply.
Any conditions imposed will have to be satisfied prior to obtaining final approval. The Survey-Strata subdivision process usually takes between 6-8 months for smaller developments. This time frame will be longer depending on the conditions imposed and the size of the subdivision.
It is important to understand the requirements of the R Codes for residential developments to ensure your subdivision application is approved to avoid unnecessary delays and costs.
We can handle your Survey-Strata subdivision design, application, surveying and lodgement at Landgate to ensure your subdivision runs smoothly.
For more information regarding Survey-Strata subdivisions or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a licensed surveyor.

If you own 2 or more Green Title Lots and wish to merge the lots, you can undertake an Amalgamation of the Lots.
An Amalgamation requires the Western Australian Planning Commission's approval. The WAPC may grant Approval or Conditional Approval. Any conditions imposed will have to be satisfied prior to obtaining final approval.
The WAPC statutory time to process an application to amalgamate is 90 days. Usually the Amalgamation process takes a minimum of 5 months. This is dependent on the conditions that WAPC may impose eg. underground power.
For more information regarding Amalgamations or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a surveyor.

Built Strata subdivision or Building Strata subdivision is the older and more common form of Strata Title. Prior to 1985, Built Strata’s could only give ownership to buildings and the land surrounding the buildings remained as common property. The Strata Titles Act was changed in 1985, to allow land to be allocated to a Strata title lot.
Built Strata schemes can be used for titling single tier developments (villa or townhouses) or for multi tiered developments (high rise, apartments or mulit storey mixed use or commercial buildings).
Any buildings forming part of the Strata Scheme needs to be completed prior to obtaining Council approval, which is a requirement to register the Strata Plan at Landgate. A Building Surveyor is required to inspect the buildings to provide a Certificate of Building Compliance prior to the Local Government issuing Strata Approval.
A Built Strata Plan requires the Local Government approval and in some cases delegated WAPC approval (for more than 5 residential lots, non residential schemes or lots greater than 2500m2).
It is possible to build only one building on a Built Strata Plan and create one or more vacant strata lots. This form of Strata Plan is referred to as a ‘Vacant Lot Strata’ and is no longer common since the introduction of Survey-Strata Schemes.
Built Strata Plans don’t necessarily have to have common property created on the plan (apart from the cubic space above & below the lots).
After registration, if a proprietor wants to add a building, undertake an extension or undertake structural alterations to their lot, they will normally require prior written approval from the other strata lot proprietors in their scheme, along with any Local Government approval.
For more information regarding Built Strata subdivisions or to obtain a quotation, please contact our surveyors.

A Boundary re-establishment (repeg) survey is undertaken to mark your lot corners or boundary lines for fencing or retaining purposes, boundary disputes, construction purposes or various other purposes.
This survey can only be undertaken by a licensed surveyor.
We provide a Regulation 25A certificate for each boundary re-establishment survey which depicts the marks placed and the position of improvements in relation to the boundaries.
For more information regarding a Boundary Re-establishment survey or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to one of our surveyors.

A Contour & Feature survey is also referred to as a Contour Survey, Feature Survey or Site Survey.
A Contour & Feature Survey is required when building, extending, retaining or for civil construction. Local Governments require a Contour & Feature Survey to accompany a Development Application.
This survey is used by an Architect, Builder, Building Designer, Planner, Surveyor, Engineer etc. to assist with the building design, civil or subdivision design or for other similar purposes.
The survey details all visible services, major features & vegetation, buildings, levels, contours, verge information, adjacent building profiles including floor levels and windows, sewer information etc.
Our Contour & Feature Surveys provide all the required information for the Local Authority and your designer/builder and are based on the Australian Height Datum (AHD).
For more information regarding a Contour & Feature survey or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a surveyor.
A Proposed Strata Plan is based on architectural or design drawings for a future Strata Scheme which either has not been constructed yet, or is still under construction.
A Proposed Strata Plan shows the Part Lots comprising each Strata Lot, with areas and dimensions and is used for pre-sale contracts or Management Statements for staged Strata subdivisions. The Proposed Strata Plan should represent what the final Strata Plan would be, after the construction and survey or the buildings and external Part Lots.
For more information regarding a Proposed Strata Plan or to obtain a quotation, please contact our surveyors .


It is common practice for a builder or developer to engage the services of a surveyor to setout buildings, services and other forms of construction to ensure they are constructed in the correct position.
This is critical when building on boundaries in particular with a development that is intended to be Strata Titled. Any building encroachment will cause delays in the Strata Titling process. The encroachment will have to be either removed, an easement granted or a subdivision undertaken to shift the boundary.
For more information regarding a Setout survey or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to one of our surveyors.
The Merger by Resolution process allows older single tier Built Strata Schemes (pre January 1998), to Merge land and/or buildings into existing Strata Lots.
The Merger process does not require WAPC or Local Government approval.
Buildings can only be added to the Strata Plan if the building was approved by Local Government. Other rights of the Strata proprietors need to be maintained when undertaking a Merger.
Any existing strata boundaries between strata lots can not be changed.
A Merger by Resolution requires a resolution without dissent, or a unanimous resolution for a 2 lot scheme, of the Strata Lot owners to agree on the new Strata Plan and Unit Entitlement Schedule.
Consent may also required by any mortagees or caveators or other persons having a registered interest over the land.
For more information regarding a Merger by Resolution or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to one of our surveyors.

The Survey-Strata Conversion process allows older single tier Built Strata Schemes (pre January 1998), to be converted to a Survey-Strata scheme. Common Property can be merged into the Strata Lots as part of the Conversion process.
The Survey-Strata process does not require WAPC or Local Government approval.
Certain easements may be required to be registered as part of the Conversion process to protect rights of support (common wall), eave & gutter overhang into adjacent lots or rights of access etc.
Any existing strata boundaries between strata lots can not be changed.
A Survey-Strata Conversion requires a resolution without dissent, or a unanimous resolution for a 2 lot scheme, of the Strata Lot owners to agree on the new Survey-Strata Plan and Unit Entitlement Schedule.
Consent is also required by any mortgagees or caveators or other persons having a registered interest over the land.
For more information regarding a Survey-Strata Conversion or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a Perth Surveyor.

Interest Only Deposited Plans are required to depict an Easement, Covenant or other form of Interest which can then be lodged at Landgate and registered by a Document over a title.
Typically a Solicitor will prepare and lodge the Document to register the Easement or Interest over a title.
For more information regarding an Interest Only DP or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a Perth surveyor.

An As-Constructed survey is used to locate services that have been installed to provide position and height of the services. The As-Constructed plan is used to ensure the services have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and for the relevant Authority's spatial database.
Typical As-Constructed surveys are undertaken for water, sewerage, drainage and roads.
For more information regarding As-Constructed surveys or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to one of our Perth Surveyors.

If you own an existing strata or survey-strata lot or lots and wish to alter a boundary, add a building on the Strata Plan which was not previously shown, amalgamate common property into your lot or create an additional lot, you can undertake a Strata Plan or re-subdivision to change your title.
A Strata Plan of re-subdivision requires the Local Government Approval and in some cases delegated WAPC approval (for more than 5 residential lots, non residential schemes or lots greater than 2500m2).
A Survey-Strata Plan of re-subdivision requires the WAPC approval and the Local Government approval.
For more information regarding a Strata Plan of re-subdivision or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a surveyor.

Lease Area surveys are undertaken to prepare a plan to define an area for lease. This is typically areas of a building or yard for lease. The Lease plan then forms part of the lease agreement.
Areas for buildings are generally completed using the Property Council of Australia - Method of Measurement and are either GLAR, GLA or NLA, depending on the use of the building.
For more information regarding Lease Area surveys or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to one of our Perth Surveyors

If you own 2 or more Strata Lots or Survey-Strata Lots and wish to consolidate (amalgamate) the lots, you can undertake a Strata Plan of Consolidation.
A Strata Plan of Consolidation requires the Local Government approval and in some cases delegated WAPC approval (for more than 5 residential lots, non residential schemes or lots greater than 2500m2).
A Survey-Strata Plan of consolidation requires the WAPC approval and the Local Government Approval.
For more information regarding a Strata Lot Consolidation or to obtain a quotation, please contact our office to speak to a surveyor.